The Research Development Team assists researchers develop their capacity to identify funding opportunities, conceptualise their research ideas and write grant applications. 

Stay tuned for a new and improved calendar of events!

Previous Workshops and Seminars

  • Plan on  Page: Develop your own grant plan and strategy BEFORE starting to write. 
  • NHMRC and ARC Fellowship Seminars
    ECF, CDF and other NHMRC Fellowships rules and eligibility are explained with successful UWA Fellows providing tips and advice. ARC DECRAs are explained with successful DECRAs discussing their application. The difference between project grants and fellowships is explained.

  • Collaborating with Industry: NHMRC Development Grant Seminar
    Grant rules and eligibility are explained with successful UWA researchers providing tips and advice.

  • Partnering for Translation: NHMRC Partnership Project Grant Seminar
    Includes an overview of funding rules, perspectives from researchers that have sat on grant review panels, and tips for success and partnering for translation into policy and practice.
  • ARC/NHMRC Grant Planning and Writing Workshop: This two-day workshop provides the tools to plan a successful grant. Experienced grant writers as well as College and Panel members share their knowledge and insights. 

View previous event resources >>